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CitySec covers all the local CitySec communities across Nordics and Baltics. Join the community & conversation here on CitySec Mattermost:

CitySec groups

City Homepage / Meetup group
Helsinki HelSec
Seinäjoki-Vaasa HäjySec
Jyväskylä JySec
Joensuu JoeSec
Kuopio KuoSec
Kymenlaakso KymiSec
Lahti LahtiSec
Oulu Oulusec
ShadowHelSec shadowHelSec
Tampere TammerSec
Turku TurkuSec
Lappeenranta SaimaaSec
Vilnius VilniusSec

Code of Ethics

Take control of your choices without fear. Create, shape or modify to improve what’s here. Find your own path and encourage others to find theirs.

Respect privacy
Serve and protect the community
Share knowledge with the community
Act with integrity
Avoid conflicts of interest
Avoid FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt)
Protect everyones data (encryption etc.)
Don't be an asshole
If you see someone being an asshole contact: